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Distribution in France and Belgium: everything you need to know about it

A company exists only because it sells. Once a company has flirted with the boundaries of the market in its own country, it will often show the need to sell abroad. A company that begins abroad often approaches the market through other professionals. The benefits of using an intermediary professional abroad must be carefully weighed compared to the benefits of the creation of a subsidiary, an independent company, or a branch office.

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K law recommended by IFLR1000

K law has been recommended by IFLR1000.

IFLR1000's review...

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Vlaams Decreet van 17 juni 2016: poging tot juridisch kader voor korte handelshuur

Op 1 september 2016 trad het Decreet van 17 juni 2016 houdende huur van korte duur voor handel en ambacht  in werking (hierna: ‘het Decreet’). Het doel van het Decreet is een eenvoudig juridisch kader te bieden voor de kortetermijnverhuur van handelspanden. Enerzijds geeft het een antwoord op de groeiende leegstand in de centrumsteden en anderzijds schept het een wettelijk kader voor het populaire concept van de pop-up store.

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K law assists Euronext during final session of 'TechShare' program

Sien Vermeesch and Isabelle Blomme assisted Euronext as legal experts during the final session of the ‘TechShare’ program organized by Euronext and hosted in the offices of KPMG / K Law on 6 September, 2016.

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Lack of creditor protection within a private limited liability company in the event of a capital decrease is discriminatory

The Constitutional Court recently ruled that the difference between the protection mechanism for creditors of a private limited liability company and creditors of a public limited liability company in the event of a capital decrease is not reasonable justified and is therefore discriminatory. 

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An updated and strengthened legal framework for market abuse

The updated and strengthened legal framework concerning market abuse is a fact. On 3 July 2016, Regulation no. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (hereafter “MAR”) entered into force.

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